CCTV Spring Festival Gala

All Episode in 1983 Gui-Hai Year of the Pig

Season List

CCTV Spring Festival Gala SpecialsCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1983 Gui-Hai Year of the PigCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1984 Jia-Zi Year of the RatCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1985 Yi-Chou Year of the OxCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1986 Bing-Yin Year of the TigerCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1987 Ding-Mao Year of the RabbitCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1988 Wu-Chen Year of the DragonCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1989 Ji-Si Year of the SnakeCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1990 Geng-Wu Year of the HorseCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1991 Xin-Wei Year of the GoatCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1992 Ren-Shen Year of the MonkeyCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1993 Gui-You Year of the RoosterCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1994 Jia-Xu Year of the DogCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1995 Yi-Hai Year of the PigCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1996 Bing-Zi Year of the RatCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1997 Ding-Chou Year of the OxCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1998 Wu-Yin Year of the TigerCCTV Spring Festival Gala 1999 Ji-Mao Year of the RabbitCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2000 Geng-Chen Year of the DragonCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2001 Xin-Si Year of the SnakeCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2002 Ren-Wu Year of the HorseCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2003 Gui-Wei Year of the GoatCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2004 Jia-Shen Year of the MonkeyCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2005 Yi-You Year of the RoosterCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2006 Bing-Xu Year of the HorseCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2007 Ding-Hai Year of the PigCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2008 Wu-Zi Year of the RatCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2009 Ji-Chou Year of the OxCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2010 Geng-Yin Year of the TigerCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2011 Xin-Mao Year of the RabbitCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2012 Ren-Chen Year of the DragonCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2013 Gui-Si Year of the SnakeCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2014 Jia-Wu Year of the HorseCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2015 Yi-Wei Year of the GoatCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2016 Bing-Shen Year of the MonkeyCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2017 Ding-You Year of the RoosterCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2018 Wu-Xu Year of the DogCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2019 Ji-Hai Year of the PigCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2020 Geng-Zi Year of the RatCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2021 Xin-Chou Year of the OxCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2022 Ren-Yin Year of the TigerCCTV Spring Festival Gala 2023 Gui-Mao Year of the RabbitCCTV Spring Festival Gala Season 42

CCTV Spring Festival Gala

First Release: Feb 12, 1983

Duration: 5h 0m

Genres: Talk, Reality

Country: China

Keywords:CCTV Spring Festival Gala