Jake and Amir

All Episode in Season 1

1. Quick Characters2. 30-Second Debate3. Beerd4. Trust Fall5. Kite6. Tattoo7. Battleship8. Practical Joke9. Beer10. Sunglasses11. Weapons12. Screen Name13. High Five14. IQ Test15. Dinner16. Editing17. Song18. Proverbs19. Ace20. Cookies21. iPhone22. Twas a Dream23. Smoking24. Vacation25. Vacation Part 226. Website Ideas27. Sleepy28. Canada29. Broken30. Singing31. Mom32. Video Letter to Mom33. Performance Evaluation34. Lunchtime35. Math36. Hang Up37. Labor Day38. Blood Brothers39. Desktop Prank40. Shred41. Long Distance42. Ticklish43. Shampoo44. Gross Websites45. Keep Away46. Bowling for Soup47. Burp48. Britney49. Photographs50. Wallet51. Make Believe52. Jacket53. Bubble Wrap54. New Computer55. Advice56. Away Message57. You're It!58. T-Shirt59. Office Tour60. Rollercoaster (of love. (no it's not))61. Costume62. Making Fun63. Restaurant64. Guitar Hero65. Thanksgiving66. Test Results67. Bathroom (Unreleased)68. Brownies69. Lyrics70. Bless You71. Jake72. My Boy73. Gifts74. Jake and Amir on Yahoo's The 975. Christmas76. New Years Resolution77. Phone Call78. Ace and Jocelyn Episode 179. High School Friend80. Drugs. No They're Not.81. Lunch Meeting82. Office Fantasy83. Amir's Birthday84. Going Home85. Dinner Date86. Six Flags87. New Website88. Hop To It89. Florida90. Florida Pt. II (Plane Ride)91. Florida Pt. III (Sun Tan)92. Florida Pt. IV (Puzzle)93. Chips94. Jake's Computer95. Sandwich96. Sleeping Pills97. Jake's Haircut98. Ace and Jocelyn Episode 299. Movie Debate100. March Madness101. Good Cop, Bad Cop102. Photobooth103. Pictionary104. Bomb Threat105. April Fools106. April Fools II107. Nerd108. Online Joke109. Ace and Jocelyn Episode 3110. Nutrition111. Who's the Boss?112. Lasik113. Bathroom114. Vinny115. Date116. Date Part II117. Ace and Jocelyn Episode 4118. New Apartment119. Truth or Dare120. Pick Up121. Basketball Game122. Instant Messages123. Ex-Girlfriend124. Shopping125. Wingman126. Crazy127. Elevator128. Code129. Park130. Ace and Jocelyn Episode 5131. Baseball132. Scissors133. Rosie134. Fourth of July135. Cup Trick136. Dad137. Hallie Part I138. Hallie Part II139. Hallie Part III140. Hallie Part IV - Ace and Jocelyn Episode 6141. Jake's Birthday142. Jake's Birthday Part 2143. Jake's Birthday Part 3144. Script Notes145. Micah146. Nantucket147. DVD148. DVD Part 2149. DVD Part 3150. Headache151. New Website Design152. Secretary153. Book154. Jake is Sick155. Friend Quiz156. BFF157. Screen Name 2158. Impersonation159. Church160. Box161. Election162. Ballgame163. Ace and Jocelyn - Episode 7: Space Twins!164. I.M's165. Zombie166. My Super Not Chill Ghost Roommate Ep. 1167. My Super Not Chill Ghost Roommate Ep. 2168. Vote!169. Dinner Tonight170. Files171. Monopoly172. Dating Service173. Question174. Internship175. Workshop176. Twitter177. Economic Crisis178. Webby PSA179. Interpreters180. Interpreters 2 (Cheer Up)181. Interpreters 3 (For the Wind)182. Interpreters 4 (In Da Club)183. Happy Holidays184. That 70's Episode185. Rapping186. Locked Out187. Tissue188. Cousin189. Scared190. New Girlfriend191. Glasses192. Voice193. Keys194. Sick Day195. Behind the Scenes of the CollegeHumor Show196. Behind the Scenes of the CollegeHumor Show Pt. 2197. Sick Day Pt. 2198. Sick Day Pt. 3 (Goodbye)199. New Guy200. New Office201. Mike and Amanda202. Jake and Amir Interview the Lonely Island203. Realizations204. Ultimatum205. Decision206. Ground Rules207. Restricted208. March Madness Pt. 2209. Opinions210. Engaged211. VideoGames212. Master Cleanse213. Sneaky214. Gallon Challenge215. Brother Part 1216. Brother Part 2217. Brother Part 3218. Brother Part 4219. Community Service220. Fashion Tips221. Swine Flu222. Settlers of Catan223. Making the Band. Perform.224. Snack Attack225. Quitting226. Coma227. Understudy228. Email229. Dating Coach230. Dating Coach Pt. 2231. Text Messages232. Silent Treatment233. Coupon234. Last Night (The Prequel)235. eBay236. Godfather237. Half Birthday238. Wardrobe239. Taste Test240. Disease241. Girl Advice242. Wake Up243. Magic Trick244. Reading245. Party Planning246. Stuck247. Storm248. Las Vegas249. Blackjack250. 2 Months 2 Million Interview251. Dare252. On the Phone253. Real World Audition254. Game Show Host255. Let Me In256. Sarcasm257. Crush It!258. Hilary259. Thai Menu260. Heavy Lifting261. Hebrew262. Bozo263. Tampon264. Eighty Cents265. Crossword Puzzle266. Pie267. Julia Nunes268. Oh Sheesh Y'all269. Puppet270. 50,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video271. Puppet Part 2272. Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 1273. Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 2274. Guitar Shopping275. Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 3276. Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 4277. Health Insurance278. Fiesta Movement Presents J&A Road Trip 5279. Roulette280. Love Letter281. Miami282. Miami Part 2 (Driving)283. Miami Part 3 (Bang Bus)284. Miami Part 4 (The Crash)285. Miami Part 5 (Bang Bros HQ)286. Miami Part 6 (The Porno)287. Winter Coat288. Drawer289. Set Up290. Camera291. Toilet292. Couples Therapist293. Couples Therapist 2294. Santa295. Water296. Amir's Haircut297. Resolutions298. Vending Machine299. Dave300. Dave Pt. 2301. Moving302. Moving Part 2303. New Office304. New Office Pt. 2305. Football Game306. Chris Cooley307. Thanks for Donating308. Video Brainstorm309. Blowing Up310. Video Chat311. Thighs312. Commute313. Chat Roulette314. Couch315. Sickly316. Come Again317. For The Wolf318. Snowstorm319. March Madness Pt. 3320. Yoga321. Jordan322. Cousins323. April Fool324. 75,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video325. iPad326. Moment of Silence327. Explanation328. Taxes329. Private Eye Pt. 1330. Private Eye Pt. 2331. Push-Up Contest332. Time Saver333. Consoling334. Mother's Day335. Embarassed336. Break a Leg337. Cereal338. Rubik's Cube339. Oil Spill340. Cincinatti341. Treats342. Teasing343. Rubik's Cube Pt. 2344. World Cup345. Office Painter346. Office Painter Pt. 2347. Letter348. Crabs349. Emails350. Aunt351. Muffin352. Baby353. 100,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video354. Freaky Friday355. Record Breaker356. Typewriter357. Job358. Girlfriend359. Girlfriend Pt. 2 (Aragorn)360. Girlfriend Pt. 3 (Kite)361. Girlfriend Pt. 4 (Love)362. Girlfriend Pt. 5 (Cookies)363. Girlfriend Pt. 6 (Flowers)364. Girlfriend Pt. 7 (The Decision)365. Girlfriend Pt. 8 (Funeral)366. Icing367. Jake's Twitter368. For the Wolf Shirt369. Mouse Trap370. Mirror Image371. Resume372. Voicemail373. Mickey374. Mugging375. Evicted376. Angry Birds377. Loud Movie378. Micah's Facebook379. Breakfast380. Lunch381. Studio Audience382. Niece383. Ping Pong384. Trick or Treat385. Staycation386. Staycation Pt. 2387. Movie Pitches388. Toilet Paper389. Tickets390. Bathroom Break391. Candy392. Auto Tune the News393. Celebration394. Rock, Paper, Scissors395. Bake Sale396. Wikileaks397. Darren398. Jake's Cousin399. Toy Drive400. Kitchen401. Mime402. Ransom403. Profile Pic404. 150,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video405. Suggestion Box406. Suggestion Box Pt. 2407. Birthday Present408. YouTube409. Vegan410. Vest411. Rick Fox412. Beeper413. Bucket List414. Soda415. New Voice416. Triathalon417. Hygiene418. Oscar Pool419. Oscar Pool Pt. 2420. Rap Teacher421. Last Night422. I.O.U.423. March Madness Pt. 4424. The Music Box425. H.R. Guy426. H.R. Guy Pt. 2427. Powder428. Tutors429. Videos430. Set Me Up431. LOLaid Japan432. Rick Fox 2433. High School434. Business Ideas435. Fedora436. Fashion Blog437. Knives438. Facebook Privacy439. Doobs440. Boot Camp441. Karate442. Journal443. Cereal Thief444. Snakebite445. Mark and Karen446. Prom447. The Moment448. Jake's New Shirt449. Screenplay450. Choking451. Ice Cream Break452. 200,000 Facebook Fans Thank You Video453. Daughter454. Gym455. Favor456. Grandma457. Carbs458. Girlfriend Pt. 2 (Graveyard)459. Osama460. Headset461. Business Card462. Shaving463. Translator464. Hot Box465. Jake's Gift466. Barbershop Quartet467. Braces468. Brown Teepee469. High School Play470. Talent Show471. Cologne472. Cereal Pt. 2473. Deals474. Diseases475. Suitcase476. Scrapbook477. Notified478. Trouble479. Economic Crisis 2480. Nuggets481. Important Meeting482. Hospital483. Rap Teacher 2484. Blender485. Fired Commercial486. Rick Fox 3487. Charity488. Earrings489. Halloween Costumes490. Are We Okay?491. Coffee Shop492. Rosie's Appointment493. The Bet494. Ace and Jocelyn Shirt495. Doobs Pt. 2496. Thanksgiving Feast497. Would You Rather?498. FIAT Roadtrip499. Driving Home500. Cheryl501. FIAT Roadtrip 2502. Texting503. Parkour504. Album505. Secret Santa506. Secret Santa Part 2507. Soup Kitchen508. Facebook Redesign509. Break510. Brownie511. Wise512. Laundry513. Los Angeles514. Airplane515. Itinerary516. Jacuzzi517. Mountain Hiker Part 1518. Mountain Hiker Part 2519. Traffic520. Toothbrush521. Valentine's Day522. Tipping523. New Shirt524. Bagels525. Chin Strap Beard526. Club527. March Madness Pt. 5528. Kobayashi529. Thoughts530. Survey531. Rap Teacher Part 3532. Chugging533. Waitress534. Normal Conversation535. Blood Donation536. Trust Fall 2537. Table Read538. Food Poisoning539. I.T. Guy540. Reddit541. Interrogator Part 1542. Interrogator Part 2543. Hookah544. App Ideas545. Muscle Tee546. Seminar547. Olympics548. Internship Interviews549. Real Estate550. Cheryl: Part 2551. Double Date552. Double Date: Part 2553. Double Date: Part 3554. Double Date: Part 4555. Opposite Day556. Date Ideas557. Ice Breakers558. Milk Man: Part 1559. Milk Man: Part 2560. Sandwich Email561. Costume Party562. Hurricane Charity563. Sunday Football564. Vote Part 2565. Doobs Pt. 3566. Split Pea Soup567. Corduroy Pants568. Dog569. Homeland570. Butt Chugging571. Poker572. Ace and Jocelyn Episode 9573. 30th Birthday574. Dinner Joke575. Work Out Clothes576. Girls577. One Almond578. CEO579. Movie Date580. Movie Date 2581. March Madness Pt. 6582. Baby Bjorn583. Fur584. Gay Marriage585. Rolex586. Tiny Wings587. Meeting Invitation588. Instagram589. Rick Fox 4 with Eliza Dushku590. Amir's Dream591. iPhone Case592. Vandalism593. Get Rick Quick Schemes594. Lunch Conversation595. Citizen's Arrest596. 4th of July Scroll597. Password598. Swag599. Rick Roll600. Bus601. Shia602. Frat603. Airline Scam604. Talent Show Part 2605. Lights Out606. Hotel Room607. Audition608. Reddit Part 2609. Nose Job610. Lottery611. Couch For Sale612. Halloween Costumes Pt. 2613. Tongue614. Pizza615. Breakfast Date616. Bread617. Thanksgiving Scroll618. Amnesia619. Dating Apps620. Relocation621. Last Day622. Road Trip Part 1 (New Jersey)623. Road Trip Part 2 (New Orleans)624. Road Trip Part 3 (Texas)625. Road Trip Part 4 (New Mexico)626. Road Trip Part 5 (Grand Canyon)627. Road Trip Part 6 (Las Vegas)628. Road Trip Part 7 (The End)629. Printer630. Bitcoin631. March Madness Pt. 7632. Bieber Fever633. April Fools Soup634. Real Estate Agent Part 1 (with Ben Schwartz)635. Real Estate Agent Part 2636. Poster Ideas637. Driving Lesson638. Gardening639. Table Read 2640. Hoops641. Tinder642. Personality Quiz643. DJ Business644. NY vs LA645. Game Ideas646. Vacation Scroll647. World Cup 2648. Celebrity Date649. Horoscopes650. Gum651. Birfday652. Credit Card653. Standing Desk654. Headshots655. Ice Bucket Challenge656. Grill657. Online Shopping658. Copier659. Feminist660. iPhone 6661. Song of You662. Laundry Day663. Costumes Part 3664. Date Night665. Stock Market666. Full Body Cast667. Day After Thanksgiving668. Ebola669. Serial670. Painting Ideas671. Fish Scroll672. Compost673. Finale Part 1: The Idea674. Finale Part 2: Ben Schwartz675. Finale Part 3: Ben Schwartz 2676. Finale Part 4: Power Lunch677. Finale Part 5: The Auditions678. Finale Part 6: The Shoot679. Finale Part 7: Limo680. The Last Jake and Amir Episode Ever681. Donald Trump

Jake and Amir

Jake and Amir is an American comedy web series created by and starring CollegeHumor writers Jake Hurwitz and Amir Blumenfeld, and set in New York City. The two play humorous versions of themselves: Jake is usually depicted as a sensible "regular guy", and Amir as his annoying, obsessive and odd co-worker, the pair acting as a comic double act.

First Release: Apr 23, 2007

Duration: NA

Genres: Comedy

Country: United States of America

Episodes: 681

Actors: Jake Hurwitz, Amir Blumenfeld

Director: Amir Blumenfeld, Jake Hurwitz

IMDb: 5/10

Keywords:Jake and Amir